Losing a cell phone can be a huge detriment to day to day life for many people, thankfully you can get a Verizon replacement phone if you are covered by their warranty or protection plans. A year ago I regrettably put my now ex girlfriends phone through the washing machine, completely destroying it beyond repair. Fortunately she was covered by Verizon's extended warranty and overnight was shipped a Verizon replacement phone to use. Unfortunately she did still lose all her contact information and stored data, but was able to keep the same phone number and only be unavailable to be called for a short period of time.
Without the coverage she would have been forced to buy a new phone at full retail cost (for most modern smart phones in the range of 9) and still be tied into the remainder of her Verizon contract. When you consider the .99 a month cost this makes it look like a good investment, on the assumption you are going to damage or have a phone stolen more than once every 6 years! I don't know many people who in the last 2 years haven't written off at least one phone to water damage or theft.
Verizon Cell
At the time the same model phone was not available (production had been stopped by that time), however a comparable model was offered and shipped out straight away and she was given a choice about what her options were as multiple comparable models were available. For the .99 a month it saved a lot of stress and heartache at damaging a phone or having it stolen. For anyone thinking that this might be a good way to get cheap upgrades I advise strongly against it as you will get hit for a deductible every time you make a claim, and are limited to 2 replacements in a 12 month period, not to mention the risk of being accused of insurance fraud!
The whole process of obtaining the Verizon replacement phone was all carried out online and was very painless. Alternatively there is a phone number you can call from any phone to carry out your claim. It should also be noted that if the phone becomes defective under the manufacturers warranty, it will be replaced by Verizon for free with a certified like-new replacement device. This is available to everyone, even if you are not enrolled in one of Verizon's protection plans. Full details of the Verizon replacement phone coverage and how to make a claim can be found on the Verizon website, and step by step instructions can be found in "my Verizon" section of your online account with Verizon.
Verizon Replacement Phone - A True Story
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